الاوامر والاعدادت الاساسيه لاجهزه Cisco Router

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Configuring a Single Cisco Router

Configuring a Single Cisco Router

في موضوع اليوم اهم الاوامر لضبط الاعدادات الاساسيه لجميع رواتر سيسكو لا غني عنها ويعتبر مراجعه عامه علي اوامر كورس CCNA هذا الموضوع اخي الكريم ليس شرح للاوامر ولكن تذكره وتجميع للاوامر الاساسيه والمهمه.

1- Router Modes  يختلف كل مود عن الاخر من حيث الاوامر المتاحه للاستخدم علي سبيل المثال المود الاول يتيح لك قليل من الاومر التي يمكن استخدامها مثل ال Ping وبعض اوامر ال Show وغيرها

User mode
Privileged mode
Global configuration mode
Interface mode
Subinterface mode
Line mode
Router configuration mode

2- Configuring a Router Name اضافه اسم جديد للواوتر او السوتش

Router(config)#hostname Cisco
Name can be any word you choose

3- Configuring Passwords اضافه باسورد للراوتر او السوتش علي ال Enable وال Console وال VTY

Router(config)#enable password cisco
Sets enable password
Router(config)#enable secret class
Sets enable secret password
Router(config)#line con 0
Router(config-line)#password console
Enters console-line mode
Sets console-line mode password to console
Enables password checking at login
Router(config)#line vty 0 4
Router(config-line)#password telnet
Enters vty line mode for all five vty lines
Sets vty password to telnet
Enables password checking at login
Router(config)#line aux 0
Router(config-line)#password backdoor
Enters auxiliary line mode
Sets auxiliary line mode password to backdoor
Enables password checking at login

4- Password Encryption تشفيرجميع الباسوردات بالراوتر او السوتش

Router(config)#service password-encryption
Applies a weak encryption to passwords

5- show Commands اوامر تحليل وحل المشكلات عن طريق مراجعه الاعدادات

Router#show ?
Lists all show commands available
Router#show interfaces
Displays statistics for all interfaces
Router#show interface serial 0
Displays statistics for a specific interface, in this case Serial 0
Router#show ip interface brief
Displays a summary of all interfaces, including status and IP address assigned
Router#show controllers serial 0
Displays statistics for interface hardware. Statistics display if the clock rate is set and if the cable is DCE, DTE, or not attached
Router#show clock
Displays time set on device
Router#show hosts
Displays local host-to-IP address cache. These are the names and addresses of hosts on the network to which you can connect
Router#show users
Displays all users connected to device
Router#show history
Displays history of commands used at this edit level
Router#show flash
Displays info about Flash memory
Router#show version
Displays info about loaded software version
Router#show arp
Displays the ARP table
Router#show protocols
Displays status of configured Layer 3 protocols
Router#show startup-config
Displays configuration saved in NVRAM
Router#show running-config
Displays configuration currently running in RAM

6- Interface Names استعراض الفتحات بدخل الراوتر باختصار

router#show ip interface brief

وهذا الجدول يبين الفتحات وطرق كتابتها علي اغلب الموديلات ومكان الفتحه داخليه او WIC

Router Model
Port Location/Slot Number
Slot/Port Type
Slot Numbering Range
On Board
Interface-type Number
ethernet0 (e0)
On Board
Interface-type Number
serial0 (s0) & s1
On Board
Interface-type Number
e0 & e1
On Board
Interface-type Number
s0 & s1
On Board
Interface-type Number
fastethernet0 (fa0)
Slot 0
WAC (WIN Interface Card) (Serial)
Interface-type Number
s0 & s1
On Board
Fast Ethernet
Interface-types 0/port
Slot 0
WIC/VIC (Voice Interface Card)
Interface-type 0/port
s 0/0 & s0/1
v0/0 & v0/1
Slot 1
Interface-type 1/port
s1/0 & s1/1
v1/0 & v1/1
Slot 2
Interface-type 2/port
v2/0 & v2/1
Slot 3
Interface-type 3/port
v3/0 & v3/1
On Board
Interface-type 0/port
Slot 0
WIC (Serial)
Interface-type 0/port
s0/0 & s0/1
On Board
Interface-type 0/port
e0/0 & e0/1
Slot 0
WIC (Serial)
Interface-type 0/port
s0/0 & s0/1
On Board
Interface-type 0/port
Slot 0
WIC (Serial)
Interface-type 0/port
s0/0 & s0/1
On Board
Interface-type 0/port
fa0/0 & fa 0/1
Slot 0
WIC (Serial)
Interface-type 0/port
s0/0 & s0/1
On Board
Interface-type 0/port
fa 0/0 & fa 0/1
Slot 0
High Speed WAN Interface Card (HWIC)/WIC/VWIC
Interface-type 0/slot/port
s0/0/0 & s0/0/1
Slot 1
Interface-type 0/slot/port
s0/1/0 & s0/1/1
On Board
Interface-type 0/port
fa0/0 & fa 0/1
Slot 0
VIC/VWIC (voice only)
Interface-type 0/slot/port
voice0/0/0 voice0/0/3
Slot 1
Interface-type 0/slot/port
0/1/0 0/1/3 (single-wide HWIC) 0/1/0 0/1/7 (double-wide HWIC)
Slot 2
Interface-type 0/slot/port
0/2/0 - 0/2/3
Slot 3
Interface-type 0/slot/port
0/3/0 0/3/3 (single-wide HWIC) 0/3/0 - 0/3/7 (double-wide HWIC)
Built into Chassis Front
Interface-type port
usb0 & usb 1
Built into Chassis Rear
FastEthernet Gigabit Ethernet
Interface-type 0/port
fa0/0 & fa 0/1
gi0/0 & gi0/1
Slot 0
Interface-type 0/slot/port
s0/0/0 & s0/0/1
fa0/0/0 & 0/0/1
Slot 1
Interface-type 0/slot/port
s0/1/0 & s0/1/1
fa0/1/0 & 0/1/1
NME Slot
Interface-type 1/port
gi1/0 & gi1/1
s1/0 & s1/1

7- Moving Between Interfaces  التنقل بين فتحات الراوتر او السويتش دون الحاجه للامر Exit او بالامر Exit

Router(config)#int s0
Router(config)#int s0
Moves to interface S0 mode
Router(config-if)#int e0
In int S0, move to E0
Router(config)#int e0
In E0 mode now
Prompt does not change; be careful 

8- Configuring a Serial Interface ضبط اعدادات فتحات السريال 

Router(config)#int s0/0
Moves to interface Serial 0/0 mode
Router(config-if)#description Link to ISP
Optional descriptor of the link is locally significant
Router(config-if)#ip address
Assigns address and subnet mask to interface
Router(config-if)#clock rate 56000
Assigns a clock rate for the interface
Router(config-if)#no shut
Turns interface on

9- Configuring an Ethernet/Fast Ethernet Interface

Router(config)#int fa0/0
Moves to Fast Ethernet 0/0 interface mode
Router(config-if)#description Accounting LAN
Optional descriptor of the link is locally significant
Router(config-if)#ip address
Assigns address and subnet mask to interface
Router(config-if)#no shut
Turns interface on

10- Creating an MOTD Banner  وضع رساله ترحيبيه في اول الدخول علي الراوتر والسويتش يجب البدايه بعلامه محدده مثل # والانتهاء بها بعد كتابه  الرساله

Router(config)#banner motd # This is a secure
 system. Authorized Personnel Only! #

# is known as a delimiting character. The delimiting character must surround the banner message and can be any character so long as it is not a character used within the body of the message

11- Setting the Clock Time Zone 

Router(config)#clock timezone EST 5
Sets the time zone for display purposes. Based on coordinated universal time (Eastern Standard Time is 5 hours behind UTC)

12- Assigning a Local Host Name to an IP Address

Router(config)#ip host london
Assigns a host name to the IP address. After this assignment, you can use the host name instead of an IP address when trying to Telnet or ping to that address
Router#ping london

13- no ip domain-lookup Command لتجنب رساله الخطاء في حاله كتابه امر غير موجود بدومين الراوتر او السويتش

Router(config)#no ip domain-lookup

Turns off trying to automatically resolve an unrecognized command to a local host name

14- logging synchronous Command يستخدم بداخل ال Consols او ال VTY لتجنب رسائل ال Log عند كتابه الاوامر

Router(config)#line con 0
Router(config-line)#logging synchronous
Turns on synchronous logging. Information items sent to console will not interrupt the command you are typing. The command will be moved to a new line

15- exec-timeout Command بداخل ال Console او ال VTY لتحديد لوقت او عمر السيشين للمستخدم

Router(config)#line con 0
Router(config-line)#exec-timeout 0 0
Sets time limit when console automatically logs off. Set to 0 0 (minutes seconds) means console never logs off

16- Saving Configurations لحفظ الاوامر داخل ال NVRAM او ال FTP 

Router#copy run start
Saves the running-config to local NVRAM
Router#copy run tftp
Saves the running-config remotely to TFTP server

17- Erasing Configurations لحذف جميع اعدادات الجهاز ماعدا ال VLAN لانها بداخل ال Flash وتكلمنا عنها في مقال سابق

Router#erase start
Deletes the startup-config file from NVRAM

18- Configuration Example: Basic Router Configuration
مثال كامل علي ضبط الاعدادات الاساسيه

Boston Router
Enters privileged mode
Router#clock set 18:30:00 15 Nov 2004
Sets local time on router
Router#config t
Enters global config mode
Router(config)#hostname Boston
Sets router name to Boston
Boston(config)#no ip domain-lookup
Turns off name resolution on unrecognized commands (spelling mistakes)
Boston(config)#banner motd #
Creates an MOTD banner
This is the Boston Router.
Authorized Access Only
Boston(config)#clock timezone EST 5
Sets time zone to Eastern Standard Time (5 from UTC)
Boston(config)#enable secret cisco
Enables secret password set to cisco
Boston(config)#service password-encryption
Passwords will be given weak encryption
Boston(config)#line con 0
Enters line console mode
Boston(config-line)#logging sync
Commands will not be interrupted by unsolicited messages
Boston(config-line)#password class
Sets password to class
Enables password checking at login
Boston(config-line)#line vty 0 4
Moves to virtual Telnet lines 0 through 4
Boston(config-line)#password class
Sets password to class
Enables password checking at login
Boston(config-line)#line aux 0
Moves to line auxiliary mode
Boston(config-line)#password class
Sets password to class
Enables password checking at login
Moves back to global config mode
Boston(config)#no service password-encryption
Turns off password encryption
Boston(config)#int fa 0/0
Moves to Fast Ethernet 0/0 mode
Boston(config-if)#desc Engineering LAN
Sets locally significant description of the interface
Boston(config-if)#ip address
Assigns IP address and subnet mask to the interface
Boston(config-if)#no shut
Turns on the interface
Boston(config-if)#int s0/0
Moves directly to Serial 0/0 mode
Boston(config-if)#desc Link to Buffalo Router
Sets locally significant description of the interface
Boston(config-if)#ip address
Assigns IP address and subnet mask to the interface
Boston(config-if)#clock rate 56000
Sets a clock rate for serial transmission. DCE cable must be plugged into this interface
Boston(config-if)#no shut
Turns on the interface
Moves back to global config mode
Boston(config)#ip host buffalo
Sets a local host name resolution to IP address
Moves back to privileged mode
Boston#copy run start
Saves running-config to NVRAM
تم بفضل الله وبالتوفيق للجميع وانتظرونا مع اوامر اخري